Congratulations, cast, crew, and creators of Lost! Reaching the 100th episode is a tremendous feat, and I've certainly enjoyed the past 99 hours spent on this journey.
I will have both of my kids tucked in the bed... extra hugs and kisses, drinks of water, whatever they need to make them stay in the bed. If either one gets out of bed after 9 p.m., so help me...
AHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHH! freaking out! i thought this week was a break!!! you mean TONIGHT is the 100th episode?! so friggin excited. muah! off to buy wine...
i teared up when daniel and charlotte talked!! boo hoo! i want charlotte to survive!
and also cried at the end... sadness... but also awesomeness. GREAT EPISODE!
i have heard that some folk think dan's diary was left in the past and that's why linus knows what he knows... hmmmmm... but i dunno if all of that would fit in a journal... and how would he obtain said journal?
Great article and definitely getting my tasters up for tonight's show!
Two whole hours of Lost tonight. I. CAN'T. WAIT!
I will have both of my kids tucked in the bed... extra hugs and kisses, drinks of water, whatever they need to make them stay in the bed. If either one gets out of bed after 9 p.m., so help me...
Wait... is it 2 hours tonight? Shoot... now I'm going to have to go check.
Eh, my kids still had better not get out of bed after 9:00! Or else!
AHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHH! freaking out! i thought this week was a break!!! you mean TONIGHT is the 100th episode?! so friggin excited. muah! off to buy wine...
I might turn my phone off tonight, I think everyone I know only calls me between 9 and 10 on Wednesdays!
I love that cast pic.
I have it on the DVR now, but I will probably have to wait until tomorrow night to watch it. ugh, torture!
Where are you??? I'm freaking out with giddiness from last night's episode. Helllllo Daniel!
I'm so sad! : ( I almost cried about 3 times last night.
once when we found out Des is ok and Penny is so relieved.
once when Dan talked to lil Charlotte, and she said she isn't allowed to eat chocolate before dinner! so cute
and once when...well you know... how awful...I hope Charlotte somehow ends up alive and knocks off Eloise.
i'm with michelle.
i teared up when daniel and charlotte talked!! boo hoo! i want charlotte to survive!
and also cried at the end... sadness... but also awesomeness. GREAT EPISODE!
i have heard that some folk think dan's diary was left in the past and that's why linus knows what he knows... hmmmmm... but i dunno if all of that would fit in a journal... and how would he obtain said journal?
can't wait to discuss!!
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